Miyano Cover Works


wheelcover meister Akira Miyano

Born in Kyoto, Japan. Since 2010, he has trained at Nakagawa Cycle Works. Established Miyano Cover Works in 2011 and started developing original bicycle items. In particular, the MCW cover wheel developed for the minivelo with a small wheel has become a hit item that many people can experience the effect. While making full use of the research and analysis capabilities cultivated as a researcher, by consistently conducting the search for raw materials, design, structure, examination of manufacturing methods, durability tests, etc. at the cover factory in Kyoto, not only knowledge about wheel covers, but also We have accumulated a lot of experience and know-how regarding manufacturing. Currently, he is energetically working on the production of cover wheels for a wide range of vehicles such as 700C roadbike, recumbent bikes, and children's bicycles, as well as mini velo.

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